Kakao expected to post surging earnings in 2nd half

   achorNews ( )

Kakao, operator of the nation's most widely used messenger app KakaoTalk, is expected to post strong earnings in the second half of the year thanks to the introduction of its new mobile advertising service in the third quarter, market analysts and brokerages said Friday. According to online market research service provider FnGuide, market consensus among domestic securities firms shows that Kakao will post a 95.1 billion won ($82.1 million) operating profit in the second half of the year, up 171.9 percent from a year ago.

더 보기 : http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/biz/2019/06/126_271446.html

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First Written: 05/01/2015 16:08:00
Last Modified: 03/04/2025 07:51:27