

1. 아이템

2. 스킬

3. 스테이터스

4. 마스터리

5. 디버프

6. 기타


이 섹션에 토글형이나 쇼크, 마비, 슬립 등의 디버프는 포함돼 있지 않습니다.
공격력이나 방어력, 마법력, 마법저항 등은 직접 테스트시 틀리게 나올 수 있는데 바로 마스터리 때문입니다. 마스터리는 버프의 영향을 받지 않거든요. 만약 정확한 값을 알고 싶다면 스테이터스 개론에서 직접 계산을 해보시거나 가상계산 계산기를 이용해 주십시오.
크리티컬 같은 경우는 계산이 매우 복합적으로 이뤄집니다. 일부 항목은 세부 섹션이 마련돼 있으니 그것을 참고해 주십시오.
스테이터스 창에서는 소수점 이하가 버림 처리됩니다만 실제로는 소수점 이하까지 모두 계산에 사용됩니다.

잘못된 부분을 발견하신다면 알려주십시오.

Acumen 1Casting Spd. +15%
Acumen 2Casting Spd. +23%
Acumen 3Casting Spd. +30%
Advanced Block 1Shield P.Def. +60%
Advanced Block 2Shield P.Def. +80%
Advanced Block 3Shield P.Def. +100%
Agility 1Evasion +2
Agility 2Evasion +3
Agility 3Evasion +4
Angelic Icon 1P.Def. +50%, M.Def. +50%, Accuracy +6, Speed +10, Atk. Spd. +10%,
HP restored from heals -80%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt: Critical Damage +33%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword: Critical +33
With other weapons, only Speed is raised.
Angelic Icon 2P.Def. +50%, M.Def. +50%, Accuracy +6, Speed +20, Atk. Spd. +20%,
HP restored from heals -80%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt: Critical Damage +66%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword: Critical +66
With other weapons, only Speed is raised.
Angelic Icon 3P.Def. +50%, M.Def. +50%, Accuracy +6, Speed +30, Atk. Spd. +30%,
HP restored from heals -80%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt: Critical Damage +100%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword: Critical +100
With other weapons, only Speed is raised.
Arcane ChaosCancel+Debuff resistance -30%, Magic MP Cost +30%, Base MP Regen per tick -24
Arcane Disruption 1+Casting Spd. -23%
Arcane ProtectionCancel resistance +30%, Debuff resistance +20%
Armor CrushP.Def. -30%, M.Def. -30%
Assassin ServitorAccuracy +4, Atk Speed +20%, Recover 5% of melee physical damage as HP, Critical +20% from behind, Critical Damage from behind +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Attack Aura 1P.Atk. +8%
Attack Aura 2P.Atk. +12%
Aura FlareAll Magic Damage -50%, this includes the Aura you cast to get the debuff
Battle Roar 1HP +10%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 2HP +15%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 3HP +20%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 4HP +25%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 5HP +30%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 6HP +35%, heals the amount added
Bear Spirit TotemSpeed -30%
Only if Fists are equipped: P.Atk. +20%, Critical Damage +20%
Berserker Spirit 1P.Atk. +5%, M.Atk. +10%, P.Def. -5%, M.Def. -10%, Evasion -2, Speed +5, Atk. Spd +5%, Casting Spd. +5%
Berserker Spirit 2P.Atk. +8%, M.Atk. +16%, P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -16%, Evasion -4, Speed +8, Atk. Spd +8%, Casting Spd. +8%
Bison Spirit TotemAt 60% or less HP - P.Atk. +43%, Accuracy +6, Critical +100
At 30% or less HP - Critical changes from +100 to +400.
Blazing Skin 1Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Blazing Skin 2Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Blazing Skin 3Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Bless Shield 1Shield Block Rate +30%
Bless Shield 2Shield Block Rate +40%
Bless Shield 3Shield Block Rate +50%
Bless Shield 4Shield Block Rate +60%
Bless Shield 5Shield Block Rate +70%
Bless Shield 6Shield Block Rate +80%
Bless the Body 1HP +10%
Bless the Body 2HP +15%
Bless the Body 3HP +20%
Bless the Body 4HP +25%
Bless the Body 5HP +30%
Bless the Body 6HP +35%
Bless the Soul 1MP +10%
Bless the Soul 2MP +15%
Bless the Soul 3MP +20%
Bless the Soul 4MP +25%
Bless the Soul 5MP +30%
Bless the Soul 6MP +35%
Blessing of Noblessethis buff falls on death but none of your other buffs do
Blessing of Queen 1Critical +25%, Critical Damage +20%
Blessing of Queen 2Critical +27%, Critical Damage +22%
Blessing of Queen 3+Critical +30%, Critical Damage +25%
Blessing of SagittariusPhysical Skill Reuse Delay -??
Blessing of Seraphim 1MP regen per tick +30%
Blessing of Seraphim 2MP regen per tick +32%
Blessing of Seraphim 3+MP regen per tick +35%
Blessings of Pa'agrio 1P.Def. +8%
Blessings of Pa'agrio 2P.Def. +12%
Blessings of Pa'agrio 3P.Def. +15%
Blinding BlowSpeed +40
BlizzardSpeed -45%
Block ShieldP.Def. -10%
Block Wind WalkSpeed -10%
Body of Avatar 1HP +10%
Body of Avatar 2HP +15%
Body of Avatar 3HP +20%
Body of Avatar 4HP +25%
Body of Avatar 5HP +30%
Body of Avatar 6HP +35%
Bright Servitor 1M.Atk. +55%
Bright Servitor 2M.Atk. +65%
Bright Servitor 3M.Atk. +75%
Chant of Battle 1P.Atk. +8%
Chant of Battle 2P.Atk. +12%
Chant of Battle 3P.Atk. +15%
Chant of Eagle 1Accuracy +2
Chant of Eagle 2Accuracy +3
Chant of Eagle 3Accuracy +4
Chant of Evasion 1Evasion +2
Chant of Evasion 2Evasion +3
Chant of Evasion 3Evasion +4
Chant of Fire 1M.Def. +15%
Chant of Fire 2M.Def. +23%
Chant of Fire 3M.Def. +30%
Chant of Flame 1Casting Spd. +15%
Chant of Flame 2Casting Spd. +23%
Chant of Flame 3Casting Spd. +30%
Chant of Fury 1Atk. Spd. +15%
Chant of Fury 2Atk. Spd. +33%
Chant of Predator 1Critical +20%
Chant of Predator 2Critical +25%
Chant of Predator 3Critical +30%
Chant of Rage 1Critical Damage +30%
Chant of Rage 2Critical Damage +32.5%
Chant of Rage 3Critical Damage +35%
Chant of Revenge 1Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Chant of Revenge 2Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Chant of Revenge 3Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Chant of Shielding 1P.Def. +8%
Chant of Shielding 2P.Def. +12%
Chant of Shielding 3P.Def. +15%
Chant of SpiritCancel resistance +30%, Debuff resistance +20%
Chant of Vampire 1Recover 6% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Vampire 2Recover 7% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Vampire 3Recover 8% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Vampire 4Recover 9% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of VictoryHP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, M.Atk. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%
Charm of LuckReduce Drop Penalty
Clarity 1Skill MP Consumption -4%
Clarity 2Skill MP Consumption -8% on the second cost only (There are 2 seperate times when a skill uses mp - when you use it and when it is finally cast. Clarity acts only on the second cost)
Clarity 3Skill MP Consumption -10%
Concentration 1Chance of casting interruption -18%
Concentration 2Chance of casting interruption -25%
Concentration 3Chance of casting interruption -36%
Concentration 4Chance of casting interruption -42%
Concentration 5Chance of casting interruption -48%
Concentration 6Chance of casting interruption -53%
Cripple 1-5Speed -30%
Cripple 6+Speed -45%
Curse Chaos 1Accuracy -12
Curse Chaos 2+Accuracy -13
Curse Disease 1+Amount restored from Heals -50%
Curse GloomM.Def. -23%
Curse of AbyssM.Atk. -30%, P.Def. -30%, Evasion -6, Speed -10%, Casting Spd. -20%, Magic Critical Rate -30%
Curse of DoomPhysical+Magical Skill Silence
Curse of Shade 1P.Def. -6%, M.Def. -6%
Curse of Shade 2P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -8%
Curse of Shade 3+P.Def. -10%, M.Def. -10%
Curse: Weakness 1P.Atk. -17%
Curse: Weakness 2-5P.Atk. -20%
Curse: Weakness 6+P.Atk. -23%
Dance of Aqua GuardResistance to Water attribute +30%
Dance of ConcentrationCasting Spd. +30%, Chance of casting interruption -30%
Dance of Earth GuardResistance to Earth attribute +30%
Dance of FireCritical Damage +35%
Dance of FuryAtk. Spd. +15%
Dance of InspirationAccuracy +4
Dance of LightMakes physical attacks Holy attribute
Dance of MedusaPetrify
Dance of MysticM.Atk. +20%
Dance of ProtectionFall damage -30%
Dance of ShadowSpeed -50%, Avoid Agro 100%
Dance of SirenMagic Critical Rate +200%
Dance of VampireRecover 8% of melee physical damage as HP
Dance of WarriorP.Atk. +12%
Dark VortexBase MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Darkness attribute -30%
Dash 1Speed +40
Dash 2Speed +66
Dead Eye 1P.Atk. +124, Accuracy +1, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 2P.Atk. +134, Accuracy +1, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 3P.Atk. +145, Accuracy +2, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 4P.Atk. +155, Accuracy +2, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 5P.Atk. +166, Accuracy +2, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 6P.Atk. +177, Accuracy +3, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 7P.Atk. +188, Accuracy +3, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Dead Eye 8P.Atk. +199, Accuracy +3, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Death Whisper 1Critical Damage +30%
Death Whisper 2Critical Damage +32.5%
Death Whisper 3Critical Damage +35%
Decrease Weight 1Weight Penalty +3000 (does not increase capacity)
Decrease Weight 1Weight Penalty +6000 (does not increase capacity)
Decrease Weight 1Weight Penalty +9000 (does not increase capacity)
Defense Aura 1P.Def. +8%
Defense Aura 2P.Def. +12%
Deflect Arrow 1Bow Damage -16%
Deflect Arrow 2Bow Damage -24%
Deflect Arrow 3Bow Damage -32%
Deflect Arrow 4Bow Damage -40%
Demon WindAmount restored from Heals -50%
Demonic Blade Dance 1-3P.Atk. -10%, M.Atk. -10%
Demonic Blade Dance 4-5P.Atk. -15%, M.Atk. -15%
Demonic Blade Dance 6-7P.Atk. -20%, M.Atk. -20%
Demonic Blade Dance 8-9P.Atk. -25%, M.Atk. -25%
Demonic Blade Dance 10P.Atk. -30%, M.Atk. -30%
Divine ProtectionResistance to Darkness attribute +30%
Duelist Spirit 1Atk. Spd. +8%, PVP damage +??
Duelist Spirit 2Atk. Spd. +12%, PVP damage +??
Earth Chant 1P.Def. +5%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Earth Chant 2P.Def. +10%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Earth Chant 3P.Def. +15%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Elemental ProtectionResistance to Fire attribute +30%, Resistance to Wind, Water, Earth attributes +20%
Empower 1M.Atk. +55%
Empower 2M.Atk. +65%
(Greater) Empower 3M.Atk. +75%
Entangle 1Speed -30%
Entangle 2+Speed -45%
Evade Shot 1Evasion +6
Eye of Pa'agrioCritical Damage +35%
Fell SwoopPolearm Arc +??
Final ServitorHP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%
Fire VortexSpeed -10%, Atk. Spd. -30%, Casting Spd. -10%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Fire attribute -20%, Resistance to Water attribute +??%
Focus 1Critical +20%
Focus 2Critical +25%
Focus 3Critical +30%
Focus Attack 1-2Accuracy +3, Critical Damage +10-15%, Polearm can hit only 1 target
Focus Attack 3Accuracy +4, Critical Damage +?, Polearm can hit only 1 target
Focus Attack 4Accuracy +5, Critical Damage +?, Polearm can hit only 1 target
Focus Attack 5Accuracy +?, Critical Damage +?, Polearm can hit only 1 target
Focus ChanceCritical Chance from front -30%, Critical Chance from side +30%,
Critical Chance from back +60%
This includes the "blow" series of skills.
Focus DeathCritical -30%, Blow land rate +60%, Critical Damage from front -30%, Critical Damage from back +90%
Focus PowerCritical Damage from front -30%, Critical Damage from side +30%, Critical Damage from back +60%
Fortune of Noblessedrop penalty reduced
Freezing Skin 1Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Freezing Skin 2Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Freezing Skin 3Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Freezing Strike 1+Speed -30%
Frenzy 1With Sword, Polearm or Blunt: P.Atk. +100%
With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +150.26%
With other weapon: P.Atk. +30%
Frenzy 2With Sword, Polearm or Blunt: P.Atk. +149.76%
With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +199.55%
With other weapon: P.Atk. +30%
Frenzy 3With Sword, Polearm or Blunt: P.Atk. +246.38%
With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +6, P.Atk. +301.95%
With other weapon: P.Atk. +50%
Frost Bolt 1+Speed -30%
Gift of Queen 1P.Atk. +6%, Accuracy +2
Gift of Queen 2P.Atk. +8%, Accuracy +2
Gift of Queen 3+P.Atk. +10%, Accuracy +2
Gift of Seraphim 1Reuse Delay -30%
Gift of Seraphim 2Reuse Delay -32%
Gift of Seraphim 3+Reuse Delay -35%
Glory of Pa'agrio 1M.Def. +15%
Glory of Pa'agrio 2M.Def. +23%
Glory of Pa'agrio 3M.Def. +30%
Greater Magic Haste PotionCasting Spd. +30%
Greater Might 1P.Atk. +4%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
Greater Might 2P.Atk. +7%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
Greater Might 3P.Atk. +10%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Eart Chant.
Greater Shield 1P.Def. +5%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Greater Shield 2P.Def. +10%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Greater Shield 3P.Def. +15%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Greater Quick Step PotionSpeed +33
Greater Swift Attack PotionAtk. Spd. +33%
Guidance 1Accuracy +2
Guidance 2Accuracy +3
Guidance 3Accuracy +4
Guts 1P.Def. +100%
Guts 2P.Def. +150%
Guts 3P.Def. +200%
Hamstring 1+Speed -45%
Hamstring ShotSpeed -45%
Haste 1Atk. Spd. +15%
Haste 2Atk. Spd. +33%
Haste PotionSpeed +20
Hawk Eye 1P.Def. -10%, Accuracy +6
Hawk Eye 2P.Def. -10%, Accuracy +8
Hawk Eye 3P.Def. -10%, Accuracy +10
Hawk Spirit TotemOnly if a Fist weapon is equipped: Accuracy +6, Critical +100, Critical Damage +30%
Herb of Atk. SpeedAtk. Spd. +33%
Herb of Casting Spd.Casting Spd. +30%
Herb of Critical AttackCritical +30%
Herb of MagicM.Atk. +75%
Herb of SpeedSpeed +33
Herb of StrengthP.Atk. +15%
Heroic BerserkerAccuracy +8, Evasion -8, P.Atk. +500, M.Atk. +500, P.Def. -25%, M.Def. -25, Atk. Speed +100, Casting Spd. +100, Speed +20, Cancel/Debuff resistance +??, Heals are ??% more effective
Heroic DreadSpeed +52% (this is a fear debuff)
Heroic GrandeurP.Def. -50%, M.Def. -50%, Evasion -16, Shield Block Rate -??, Magic Resistance (?) +??, Blocks all Physical and Magical effects (?)
Heroic MiracleP.Def. +5400, M.Def. +4050, Speed +5, Cancel resistance +??, requires Shield to function
Heroic ValorP.Atk. +250, P.Def. +500, Cancel resistance +??
HexP.Def. -23%
Holy Resistance 1Resistance to Holy attribute +15%
Holy Resistance 2Resistance to Holy attribute +23%
Holy Resistance 3Resistance to Holy attribute +30%
Holy WeaponMakes physical attacks Holy attribute
Hot Springs Cholera 1Accuracy +3
Hot Springs Cholera 2Accuracy +6, Evasion -3
Hot Springs Cholera 3Accuracy +8, Evasion -3
Hot Springs Cholera 4Accuracy +10, Evasion -3
Hot Springs Cholera 5Accuracy +6, Evasion -5
Hot Springs Cholera 6-7Evasion -5
Hot Springs Cholera 8-9Evasion -8
Hot Springs Cholera 10Evasion -10
Hot Springs Malaria 1Casting Spd. +4%
Hot Springs Malaria 2Casting Spd. +8%, MP Cost -4%
Hot Springs Malaria 3Casting Spd. +12%, MP Cost -4%
Hot Springs Malaria 4Casting Spd. +16%, MP Cost -4%
Hot Springs Malaria 5Casting Spd. +8%, MP Cost -8%
Hot Springs Malaria 6-7MP Cost -8%
Hot Springs Malaria 8-9MP Cost -12%
Hot Springs Malaria 10MP Cost -16%
HowlP.Atk. -23%
Ice Bolt 1+Speed -30%
Ice VortexSpeed -30%, Atk. Spd. -10%, Casting Spd. -10%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Water attribute -20%, Resistance to Fire attribute +??%
Infernal WeaponMakes physical attacks Fire attribute
Invigor 1Resistance to Bleed attribute +30%
Invigor 2Resistance to Bleed attribute +40%
Invigor 3Resistance to Bleed attribute +50%
InvocationCannot move or sit with this skill
Let me know if anyone reading this gets different numbers than what is listed here. It may be based on things like MEN, which would cause the actual regen to vary.
Invocation 1P.Def. -90%, MP Regens 100 points per tick 8 times.
Invocation 2P.Def. -90%, MP Regens ~109.7 points per tick 8 times.
Invocation 3+P.Def. -90%, MP Regens ??? points per tick 8 times.
Iron Will 1M.Def. +15%
Iron Will 2M.Def. +23%
Iron Will 3M.Def. +30%
Judgment 1-5Critical Damage -25%
Judgment 6-9Critical Damage -30%
Judgment 10Critical Damage -35%
Kiss of Eva 1Breath Guage +400%
Kiss of Eva 2Breath Guage +600%
Light VortexAccuracy -6, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Holy attribute -30%
Lionheart 1Resistance to Shock, Hold, Sleep, Paralyze attributes +40%, Cancel Resistance +??
Lionheart 2Resistance to Shock, Hold, Sleep, Paralyze attributes +60%, Cancel Resistance +??
Lionheart 3Resistance to Shock, Hold, Sleep, Paralyze attributes +80%, Cancel Resistance +??
Magic Barrier 1M.Def. +23%
Magic Barrier 2M.Def. +30%
Magic Haste PotionCasting Spd. +23%
Magical BackfireSkill MP Consumption +??
Magical MirrorReflect magical debuffs at a 30% probability, physical at a 10% probability.
Majesty 1P.Def. +7%, Evasion -2
Majesty 2P.Def. +11%, Evasion -4
Majesty 3P.Def. +15%, Evasion -6
Mana Regeneration 1MP Regen per tick +1.72
Mana Regeneration 2MP Regen per tick +2.16
Mana Regeneration 3MP Regen per tick +2.74
Mana Regeneration 4MP Regen per tick +3.09
Mass Block Wind WalkSpeed -10%
Mass Curse of Shade 1P.Def. -6%, M.Def. -6%
Mass Curse of Shade 2P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -8%
Mass Curse of Shade 3+P.Def. -10%, M.Def. -10%
Mass GloomM.Def. -23%
Mass Shield BlockP.Def. -10%
Mass Slow 1+Speed -45%
Mass Surrender to FireResistance to Fire attribute -??, Resistance to Water attribute +??%
Mass Surrender to WaterResistance to Water attribute -??, Resistance to Fire attribute +??%
Mass Surrender to WindResistance to Wind attribute -??, Resistance to Earth attribute +??%
Mental Shield 1Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +50%
Mental Shield 2Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +60%
Mental Shield 3Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +70%
Mental Shield 4Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +80%
Might 1P.Atk. +8%
Might 2P.Atk. +12%
Might 3P.Atk. +15%
Mighty Servitor 1P.Atk. +8%
Mighty Servitor 2P.Atk. +12%
Mighty Servitor 3P.Atk. +15%
Ogre Spirit TotemP.Def. +30%, M.Def. +30%, Evasion -9, Speed -30%
Pa'agrian Gift 1P.Atk. +8%
Pa'agrian Gift 2P.Atk. +12%
Pa'agrian Gift 3P.Atk. +15%
Pa'agrian Haste 1Speed +20
Pa'agrian Haste 2Speed +33
Pa'agrio's FistCP +800
Phantom CubicP.Atk. -23% or P.Def. -23% or Atk. Spd. -23%
Physical MirrorReflect physical debuffs at a 30% probabilitym magical at a 10% probability.
Potion of AlacrityAtk. Spd. +15%
Power Break 1-2P.Atk. -20%
Power Break 3+P.Atk. -23%
Prayer 1Heal Power +8%
Prayer 2Heal Power +10%
Prayer 3Heal Power +12%
Prophecy of FireHP +20%, HP regen per tick +20%, P.Atk. +10%, P.Def. +20%, Accuracy +4, Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Prophecy of WaterMP regen per tick +20%, M.Atk. +20%, M.Def. +20%, Speed -20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Magic Critical Rate +100%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Prophecy of WindAccuracy +4, Evasion +4, Atk Speed +20%, Recover 5% of melee physical damage as HP, Critical +20% from behind, Critical Damage from behind +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Psycho Symphony 1-3Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -10%, Casting Spd. -10%
Psycho Symphony 4-5Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -15%, Casting Spd. -15%
Psycho Symphony 6-7Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -20%, Casting Spd. -20%
Psycho Symphony 8-9Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -25%, Casting Spd. -25%
Psycho Symphony 10Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. -30%, Casting Spd. -30%
Puma Spirit TotemOnly when Fists are equipped: Atk. Spd. +20%, Accuracy +6
Rabbit Spirit TotemP.Atk. -30%, Evasion +12, Speed +30%, Accuracy -9
Rage 1Evasion -3, P.Def. -20%
With Sword/Blunt/Polearm: P.Atk. +45.2%
With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +2, P.Atk. +55.36%
With other weapon: P.Atk. +20%
Rage 2Evasion -3, P.Def. -20%
With Sword/Blunt/Polearm: P.Atk. +54.86%
With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +64.085%
With other weapon: P.Atk. +20%
Rage of Pa'agrio 1P.Atk. +5%, M.Atk. +10%, P.Def. -5%, M.Def. -10%, Evasion -2, Speed +5, Atk. Spd +5%, Casting Spd. +5%
Rage of Pa'agrio 2P.Atk. +8%, M.Atk. +16%, P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -16%, Evasion -4, Speed +8, Atk. Spd +8%, Casting Spd. +8%
Rapid Fire 1P.Atk. +62, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 2P.Atk. +67, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 3P.Atk. +73, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 4P.Atk. +78, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 5P.Atk. +83, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 6P.Atk. +89, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 7P.Atk. +94, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 8P.Atk. +100, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range becomes 600, only works with a bow
Rapid Shot 1Atk. Spd. with a bow +8%
Rapid Shot 2Atk. Spd. with a bow +12%
Reflect Damage 1Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Reflect Damage 2Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Reflect Damage 3Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Regeneration 1HP regen per tick +10%
Regeneration 2HP regen per tick +15%
Regeneration 3HP regen per tick +20%
Resist Aqua 1Resistance to Water attribute +15%
Resist Aqua 2Resistance to Water attribute +23%
Resist Aqua 3Resistance to Water attribute +30%
Resist Fire 1Resistance to Fire attribute +15%
Resist Fire 2Resistance to Fire attribute +23%
Resist Fire 3Resistance to Fire attribute +30%
Resist Poison 1Resistance to Poison attribute +30%
Resist Poison 2Resistance to Poison attribute +40%
Resist Poison 3Resistance to Poison attribute +50%
Resist Shock 1Resistance to Shock attribute +15%
Resist Shock 2Resistance to Shock attribute +20%
Resist Shock 3Resistance to Shock attribute +30%
Resist Shock 4Resistance to Shock attribute +40%
Resist Wind 1Resistance to Wind attribute +15%
Resist Wind 2Resistance to Wind attribute +23%
Resist Wind 3Resistance to Wind attribute +30%
SanctuaryP.Atk. -23%
Sand Bomb 1-5Accuracy -6
Sand Bomb 6-9Accuracy -9
Sand Bomb 10Accuracy -12
Seal of Chaos 1-2Accuracy -6
Seal of Chaos 3+Accuracy -8
Seal of DespairP.Atk. -10%, M.Def. -30%, Accuracy -6, Critical -30%, Critical Damage -30%, Speed -20%, Atk. Spd. -30%
Seal of DiseaseHP restored from heals -50%
Seal of Scourge 1+HP regen per tick set to 0
Seal of Slow 1Speed -30%
Seal of Slow 2+Speed -45%
Seal of Suspension 1+Reuse delay +200%
Seal of WinterAtk. Spd. -23%
Servitor Haste 1Atk. Spd. +15%
Servitor Haste 2Atk. Spd. +33%
Servitor Magic Shield 1M.Def. +23%
Servitor Magic Shield 2M.Def. +30%
Servitor Physical Shield 1P.Def. +8%
Servitor Physical Shield 2P.Def. +12%
Servitor Physical Shield 3P.Def. +15%
Servitor Ultimate Defense 1P.Def. +1800, M.Def. +1350, Speed 0
Servitor Ultimate Defense 2P.Def. +3600, M.Def. +2700, Speed 0
Servitor Windwalk 1Speed +20
Servitor Windwalk 2Speed +33
Shield 1P.Def. +8%
Shield 2P.Def. +12%
Shield 3P.Def. +15%
Shield SlamPhysical skill silence
Shock BlastP.Def. -30%, M.Def. -30%
Slow 1Speed -30%
Slow 2+Speed -45%
Snipe 1P.Atk. +124, Accuracy +1, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 2P.Atk. +134, Accuracy +3, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 3P.Atk. +145, Accuracy +4, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 4P.Atk. +155, Accuracy +4, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 5P.Atk. +166, Accuracy +5, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 6P.Atk. +177, Accuracy +5, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 7P.Atk. +188, Accuracy +6, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 8P.Atk. +199, Accuracy +6, Critical +20%, Range +300
Song of ChampionPhysical Skill Reuse Delay -30%, MP Cost -20%
Song of EarthP.Def. +25%
Song of Flame GuardResistance to Fire attribute +30%
Song of HunterCritical +100%
Song of InvocationResistance to Darkness attribute +20%
Song of LifeHP regen per tick +20%
Song of MeditationMP regen per tick +20%, MP Cost -10%
Song of RenewalSkill (all) Reuse Delay -30%, MP cost -5%
Song of Storm GuardResistance to Wind attribute +30%
Song of VengeanceReflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Song of VitalityHP +30%
Song of WardingM.Def. +30%
Song of WaterEvasion +3
Song of WindSpeed +20
Soul of Pa'agrioM.Atk. +75%
Soul of Sagitarrius 1MP +10%
Soul of Sagitarrius 2MP +15%
Soul of Sagitarrius 3MP +20%
Soul of Sagitarrius 4MP +25%
Soul Shield 1P.Def. +8%
Soul Shield 2P.Def. +12%
Soul Shield 3P.Def. +15%
Spirit Barrier 1M.Def. +15%
Spirit Barrier 2M.Def. +23%
Spirit Barrier 3M.Def. +30%
Spirit of SagittariusPhysical Skill MP Cost -??
Spoil (enchanted)Atk. Spd. -23%
Spoil Festival (enchanted)Atk. Spd. -23%
Sprint 1Speed +20
Sprint 2Speed +33
Stealth 1P.Atk. -45%, P.Def. -45%, M.Def. -45%, Accuracy -12, Evasion -12
Stealth 2P.Atk. -45%, P.Def. -30%, M.Def. -30%, Accuracy -12, Evasion -8
Stealth 3P.Atk. -45%, P.Def. -15%, M.Def. -15%, Accuracy -12, Evasion -4
Surrender to Earth 1Resistance against Earth attribute -25%, Resistance to Wind attribute +??%
Surrender to Earth 2+Resistance against Earth attribute -30%, Resistance to Wind attribute +??%
Surrender to Fire 1-3Resistance against Fire attribute -25%, Resistance to Water attribute +??%
Surrender to Fire 4+Resistance against Fire attribute -30%, Resistance to Water attribute +??%
Surrender to Poison 1-3Resistance against Poison attribute -25%
Surrender to Poison 4+Resistance against Poison attribute -30%
Surrender to Water 1+Resistance against Water attribute -30%, Resistance to Fire attribute +??%
Surrender to Wind 1+Resistance against Wind attribute -30%, Resistance to Earth attribute +??%
Tact of Pa'agrio 1Evasion +2
Tact of Pa'agrio 2Evasion +3
Tact of Pa'agrio 3Evasion +4
Thrill Fight 1Speed -20%, Atk. Spd. +5%
Thrill Fight 2Speed -20%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Tribunal 1-6Critical -30%
Tribunal 7-9Critical -40%
Tribunal 10Critical -50%
Touch of DeathMax CP -90%, Resist Debuffs -30%, Heals are 30% less effective
Touch of LifeCancel Resistance +60%Resist Debuffs 30%, Heals are 30% more effective
Ultimate DefenseP.Def. +1800, M.Def. +1350, Speed 0, Cancel Resistance +??
Ultimate DefenseP.Def. +3600, M.Def. +2700, Speed 0, Cancel Resistance +??
Ultimate Evasion 1Evasion +20, Cancel Resistance +??
Ultimate Evasion 2Evasion +25, Cancel Resistance +??
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio 1Shield Block Rate +30%
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio 2Shield Block Rate +40%
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio 3Shield Block Rate +50%
Unholy Resistance 1Resistance to Darkness attribute +15%
Unholy Resistance 2Resistance to Darkness attribute +23%
Unholy Resistance 3Resistance to Darkness attribute +30%
Vampiric Rage 1Recover 6% of melee physical damage as HP
Vampiric Rage 2Recover 7% of melee physical damage as HP
Vampiric Rage 3Recover 8% of melee physical damage as HP
Vampiric Rage 4Recover 9% of melee physical damage as HP
VengeanceP.Def. +5400, M.Def. +4050, Speed 0, Cancel Resistance +??
Victories of Pa'agrioHP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, M.Atk. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%
Vision of Pa'agrio 1Accuracy +2
Vision of Pa'agrio 2Accuracy +3
Vision of Pa'agrio 3Accuracy +4
War Chant 1P.Atk. +4%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
War Chant 2P.Atk. +7%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
War Chant 3P.Atk. +10%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
War CryP.Atk. +20%
War CryP.Atk. +25%
Warrior ServitorHP +20%, P.Def. +20%, Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +10%, Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, HP added is healed, Debuff resistance +10%
Wild DefenseSpeed -90%, Atk. Speed -70%, P.Def. +400%, M.Def. +400%
Wild Magic 1Magic Critical rate +200%
Wild Magic 2Magic Critical rate +300%
Wind Shackle 1Atk. Spd. -17%
Wind Shackle 2-5Atk. Spd. -20%
Wind Shackle 6+Atk. Spd. -23%
Wind VortexSpeed -10%, Atk. Spd. -10%, Casting Spd. -30%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Wind attribute -20%, Resistance to Earth attribute +??%
Wind Walk 1Speed +20
Wind Walk 2Speed +33
Wisdom of Pa'agrio 1Casting Spd. +15%
Wisdom of Pa'agrio 2Casting Spd. +23%
Wisdom of Pa'agrio 3Casting Spd. +30%
Wizard ServitorMP Regen per tick +20%, Speed -20%, M.Def. +20%, M.Atk. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Magic Critical Rate +100%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Wolf Spirit TotemSpeed +20%, Accuracy +3
Wyvern AegisP.Def. +7000, M.Def. +6000
Zealot 1Speed +10, HP Restored from heals -50%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt:Atk. Spd. +10%, Accuracy +6, Critical Damage +33%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword:Critical +33, Atk. Spd. +10%, Accuracy +6
Zealot 2Speed +20, HP Restored from heals -50%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt:Atk. Spd. +20%, Accuracy +6, Critical Damage +66%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword:Critical +66, Atk. Spd. +20%, Accuracy +6
Zealot 3Speed +30, HP Restored from heals -50%
With Fist or any kind of Blunt:Atk. Spd. +30%, Accuracy +6, Critical Damage +100%
With Polearm or any kind of Sword:Critical +100, Atk. Spd. +30%, Accuracy +6

Damage Over Time

typeLevelDamage Per Tick
Aqua Cubic1-377
Aqua Cubic4-594
Aqua Cubic6-7108
Aqua Cubic8-9118
Arcane Chaos124.0 (mp)
Aura Sink14.5 (mp)
Aura Sink25.5 (mp)
Aura Sink37.5 (mp)
Aura Sink48.5 (mp)
Aura Sink510.5 (mp)
Aura Sink611.5 (mp)
Blaze Quake, Frost Flame144
Blaze Quake, Frost Flame260
Bleed, Sting113.5
Bleed, Sting217.5
Bleed, Sting322.5
Bleed, Sting427.5
Bleed, Sting531.5
Bleed, Sting634.5
Chill Flame120
Chill Flame230
Corpse Plague131.5
Corpse Plague238.5
Corpse Plague344.5
Corpse Plague448.5
Dark Vortex112.0 (mp)
Fire Vortex112.0 (mp)
Freezing Shackle, Decay, Freezing Flame, Seal of Flame177
Freezing Shackle, Decay, Freezing Flame, Seal of Flame294
Freezing Shackle, Decay, Freezing Flame, Seal of Flame3108
Freezing Shackle, Decay, Freezing Flame, Seal of Flame4118
Ice Dagger1-422.5
Ice Dagger5-927.5
Ice Dagger10-1431.5
Ice Dagger15+34.5
Ice Daggerench34.5
Ice Vortex112.0 (mp)
Light Vortex112.0 (mp)
Poisonous Cloud, Curse Poison, Seal of Poison118.5
Poisonous Cloud, Curse Poison, Seal of Poison224.5
Poisonous Cloud, Curse Poison, Seal of Poison331.5
Poisonous Cloud, Curse Poison, Seal of Poison438.5
Poisonous Cloud, Curse Poison, Seal of Poison544.5
Poisonous Cloud, Curse Poison, Seal of Poison648.5
Poison Blade Dance138.5
Poison Blade Dance244.5
Poison Blade Dance348.5
Seal of Gloom37.5 (mp)
Seal of Gloom48.5 (mp)
Seal of Gloom510.5 (mp)
Seal of Gloom612.5 (mp)
Spoil (enchanted)1+118.5
Toxic Smoke112.5
Toxic Smoke218.5
Toxic Smoke324.5
Toxic Smoke431.5
Toxic Smoke538.5
Toxic Smoke644.5
Toxic Smoke7-848.5
Toxic Smoke9-1050.5
Toxic Smoke11-1251.5
Wind Vortex112.0 (mp)

Healing Over Time

typeLevelHeal Per Tick
Chant of Life112
Chant of Life215
Chant of Life318
Chant of Life423
Chant of Life527
Chant of Life631
Chant of Life735
Chant of Life839
Chant of Life943
Chant of Life1045
Chant of Life1146
Chant of Life1248
Chant of Life1350
Chant of Life1452
Chant of Life1553
Chant of Life1655
Chant of Life1756
Chant of Life1858
Chant of Life (ench)+1-258
Chant of Life (ench)+3-659
Chant of Life (ench)+7-960
Chant of Life (ench)+10-1361
Chant of Life (ench)+14-1762
Chant of Life (ench)+18-2063
Chant of Life (ench)+21-2464
Chant of Life (ench)+25-2765
Chant of Life (ench)+28-3066
Greater Healing Potion50.3
Healing Potion24.3
Heart of Pa'agrio131
Heart of Pa'agrio235
Heart of Pa'agrio339
Heart of Pa'agrio443
Heart of Pa'agrio545
Heart of Pa'agrio646
Heart of Pa'agrio748
Heart of Pa'agrio850
Heart of Pa'agrio952
Heart of Pa'agrio1053
Heart of Pa'agrio1155
Heart of Pa'agrio1256
Heart of Pa'agrio1358
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench)+1-258
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench)+3-659
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench)+7-960
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench)+10-1361
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench)+14-1762
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench)+18-2063
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench)+21-2464
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench)+25-2765
Heart of Pa'agrio (ench)+28-3066
Lesser Healing Potion8.3

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First Written: 10/22/2007 14:57:23
Last Modified: 02/14/2025 04:11:00